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Reno Properties Group Brokers 3,250 SF Lease
Coming Summer 2017 to Cold Spring Plaza, 950 Cromwell Avenue, Rocky Hill, CT – March 2017 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered the lease of 3,250 SF to Tavern on 3 at Cold Spring Plaza, 950 Cromwell Avenue, Rocky Hill. The Landlord is Cold Spring, LLC and Reno Properties Group…
Reno Properties Group Brokers $1.525 Million Investment Sale
Middlesex Professional Park, LLC Acquires 760-770 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT – December 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered the sale of Middlesex Professional Park, 760-770 Saybrook, Road, Middletown, CT for $1,525,000. Reno Properties Group represented the buyer, Middlesex Professional Park, LLC in the transaction. The seller was Saybrook Sam,…
Reno Properties Group Brokers 3,000 SF Lease
Shine Studio McBride Plaza, 3153 Berlin Turnpike Newington, November 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered a 3,000 SF lease to Shine Studio at McBride Plaza, a 20,400 SF strip shopping center located at 3153 Berlin Turnpike, Newington. The landlord is McBride Properties, Inc. Reno Properties Group represented the landlord…
Reno Properties Group Brokers 6,000 SF Lease
Tyler English Fitness Best Market Plaza, 161-168 Lowrey Place, September 2016 Reno Properties Group is pleased to announce it has brokered a 6,000 SF lease to Tyler English Fitness (TEF) at Best Market Plaza, 161-168 Lowrey Place, Newington, CT. The landlord is Lowrey Place Realty. Reno Properties Group was the sole broker in the transaction….
Reno Properties Group Brokers 36,100 SF Lease
Mark IV Transportation & Logistics Wallingford Business Park, October 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered a 36,100 SF lease to Mark IV Transportation & Logistics at Wallingford Business Park, a 309,000 SF industrial property located on approximately 34 acres in Wallingford, CT. The landlord is Wallingford Business Park, LLC….
Reno Properties Group Brokers $900,000 Sale
ANZ Petroleum, Inc, Acquires 3191 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT – September 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered the sale of 3191 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT for $900,000. The buyer is ANZ Petroleum, Inc. The seller was the Richard J. Bonelli Estate. Reno Properties Group was the sole broker in…
Reno Properties Group Brokers $2 Million Investment Sale
Cheshire Professional Park, LLC Acquires 408-426 Highland Avenue, Cheshire, CT, August 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered the sale of Cheshire Professional Park, 408-426 Highland Avenue, Cheshire, CT for $2,000,000. The buyer is Cheshire Professional Park, LLC. The seller was 408-426 Highland Avenue, LLC. Reno Properties Group represented the…
Reno Properties Group Brokers 13,000 SF Lease
Adaptive Movement Parkour Leases 13,000 SF, New Britain, CT, September 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has leased 13,000 SF at 60 Peter Court, New Britain, CT. Adaptive Movement Parkour leased the space from Landlord Maxwell P. Coletrain. Reno Properties Group was the sole broker in the transaction. Adaptive Movement Parkour…
Reno Properties Group Brokers Three Leases
MindWorks, LLC leases in Rocky Hill, Navco leases in Middletown, Beltone New England leases in West Hartford April 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleases to announce it has represented three tenants, brokering leases totaling 5,242 SF. Beltone New England lease 1,142 SF at 345 North Main Street, West Hartford from Bishop’s Corner LLC. Reno…
Reno Properties Group Brokers 3,910 SF Lease
Gaylord Hospital, Inc. Lease at 1154 Highland Avenue, Cheshire, CT April 2016 Reno Properties Group, LLC is pleased to announce it has brokered a 3,910 SF lease to Gaylord Hospital, Inc. at 1154 Highland Ave, Cheshire, CT. The Landlord is RPG Highland, LLC. Reno Properties Group was the sole broker in the transaction. The Cheshire…